The terms `API` (Application Programming Interface) and `Endpoint` are used somewhat interchangeablyMore...
- Get API Configuration
- Get API Info (root)
- Get Adapter Info
- Get Adapter Info for a bank
- Get Connector Status (Loopback)
- Get JSON Web Key (JWK)
- Get JSON Web Key (JWK) URIs
- Get Rate Limiting Info
The thing that tokens of value (money) come in and out of. An account has one or more `owners` whichMore...
- Check Available Funds
- Create Account
- Create Account Attribute
- Get Account by Id (Core)
- Get Account by Id (Full)
- Get Accounts Balances
- Get Accounts Held
- Get Accounts at Bank
- Get Accounts at Bank (IDs only)
- Get Accounts at Bank (Minimal)
- Get Accounts at all Banks (private)
- Get Checkbook orders
- Get Firehose Accounts at Bank
- Update Account
- Update Account Attribute
- Update Account Label
A Bank (aka Space) represents a financial institution, brand or organizational unit under which resMore...
- Create Bank
- Create Transaction Type at bank
- Get Bank
- Get Banks
- Get Transaction Types at Bank
Consents provide a mechanism by which a third party App or User can access resources on behalf of aMore...
- Answer Consent Challenge
- Create Consent (EMAIL)
- Create Consent (IMPLICIT)
- Create Consent (SMS)
- Get Consents
- Revoke Consent
The "consumer" of the API, i.e. the web, mobile or serverside "App" that calls on the OBP API on beMore...
- Enable or Disable Consumers
- Get Call Limits for a Consumer
- Get Consumer
- Get Consumers
- Get Consumers (logged in User)
- Set Rate Limiting (call limits) per Consumer
- Update Consumer RedirectUrl
Counterparty Metadata
- Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
- Add Counterparty More Info
- Add Open Corporates URL to Counterparty
- Add image url to other bank account
- Add physical location to other bank account
- Add public alias to other bank account
- Add url to other bank account
- Create Other Account Private Alias
- Delete Counterparty Corporate Location
- Delete Counterparty Image URL
- Delete Counterparty Open Corporates URL
- Delete Counterparty Physical Location
- Delete Counterparty Private Alias
- Delete Counterparty Public Alias
- Delete more info of other bank account
- Delete url of other bank account
- Get Other Account Metadata
- Get Other Account Private Alias
- Get public alias of other bank account
- Update Counterparty Corporate Location
- Update Counterparty Image Url
- Update Counterparty More Info
- Update Counterparty Physical Location
- Update Counterparty Private Alias
- Update Open Corporates Url of Counterparty
- Update public alias of other bank account
- Update url of other bank account
The legal entity that has the relationship to the bank. Customers are linked to Users via `User CusMore...
- Create Address
- Create Customer
- Create Customer Social Media Handle
- Create Tax Residence
- Create User Customer Link
- Delete Customer Address
- Delete Tax Residence
- Get CRM Events
- Get Customer Addresses
- Get Customer Social Media Handles
- Get Customer by CUSTOMER_ID
- Get Customer by CUSTOMER_NUMBER
- Get Customers for Current User
- Get Customers for current User at Bank
- Get Firehose Customers
- Get Tax Residences of Customer
- Update the Address of a Customer
- Update the Branch of a Customer
- Update the credit limit of a Customer
- Update the credit rating and source of a Customer
- Update the email of a Customer
- Update the identity data of a Customer
- Update the mobile number of a Customer
- Update the number of a Customer
- Update the other data of a Customer
Method Routing
Open Bank Project can have different connectors, to connect difference data sources. We supportMore...
- Create MethodRouting
- Delete MethodRouting
- Get MethodRoutings
- Update MethodRouting
- Add Entitlement for a User
- Create Entitlement Request for current User
- Delete Entitlement
- Delete Entitlement Request
- Get Entitlement Requests for a User
- Get Entitlement Requests for the current User
- Get Entitlements for User
- Get Entitlements for User at Bank
- Get Entitlements for the current User
- Get Roles
- Get all Entitlement Requests
- Get all Entitlements
Transactions are records of successful movements of value into or out of an `Account`. OBP TransacMore...
- Get Firehose Transactions for Account
- Get Other Account of Transaction
- Get Transaction by Id
- Get Transactions for Account (Core)
- Get Transactions for Account (Full)
Transaction Metadata
- Add a Transaction Comment
- Add a Transaction Image
- Add a Transaction Narrative
- Add a Transaction Tag
- Add a Transaction where Tag
- Delete a Transaction Comment
- Delete a Transaction Image
- Delete a Transaction Narrative
- Delete a Transaction Tag
- Delete a Transaction Tag
- Get Transaction Comments
- Get Transaction Images
- Get Transaction Tags
- Get a Transaction Narrative
- Get a Transaction where Tag
- Update a Transaction Narrative
- Update a Transaction where Tag
Transaction Request
- Answer Transaction Request Challenge
- Create Transaction Request (COUNTERPARTY)
- Create Transaction Request (FREE_FORM)
- Create Transaction Request (SANDBOX_TAN)
- Create Transaction Request (SEPA)
- Get Transaction Request Types at Bank
- Get Transaction Request Types for Account
- Get Transaction Requests
- Save Historical Transactions
The entity that accesses the API with a login / authorisation token and has access to zero or moreMore...
- Answer Auth Context Update Challenge
- Create User
- Create User Auth Context
- Create User Auth Context Update Request
- Delete User Auth Context
- Delete User's Auth Contexts
- Get User (Current)
- Get User Auth Contexts
- Get User Lock Status
- Get User by USERNAME
- Get User by USER_ID
- Get Users by Email Address
- Get all Users
- Refresh User
- Unlock the user
Get API Configuration
Get API Info (root)
Get Adapter Info
Get Adapter Info for a bank
Get Connector Status (Loopback)
Get JSON Web Key (JWK)
Get JSON Web Key (JWK) URIs
Get Rate Limiting Info
Get API Configuration
Check Available Funds
Create Account
Create Account Attribute
Get Account by Id (Core)
Get Account by Id (Full)
Get Accounts Balances
Get Accounts Held
Get Accounts at Bank
Get Accounts at Bank (IDs only)
Get Accounts at Bank (Minimal)
Get Accounts at all Banks (private)
Get Checkbook orders
Get Firehose Accounts at Bank
Update Account
Update Account Attribute
Update Account Label
Check Available Funds
Account Application
Create Account Application
Get Account Application by Id
Get Account Applications
Update Account Application Status
Create Account Application
Account Public
Create Card
Create Card Attribute
Delete Card
Get Card By Id
Get Cards for the specified bank
Get cards for the current user
Get status of Credit Card order
Update Card
Update Card Attribute
Create Card
Answer Consent Challenge
Create Consent (EMAIL)
Create Consent (IMPLICIT)
Create Consent (SMS)
Get Consents
Revoke Consent
Answer Consent Challenge
Enable or Disable Consumers
Get Call Limits for a Consumer
Get Consumer
Get Consumers
Get Consumers (logged in User)
Set Rate Limiting (call limits) per Consumer
Update Consumer RedirectUrl
Enable or Disable Consumers
Create Counterparty (Explicit)
Get Counterparties (Explicit)
Get Counterparty by Counterparty Id (Explicit)
Get Other Account by Id
Get Other Accounts of one Account
Create Counterparty (Explicit)
Counterparty Metadata
Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
Add Counterparty More Info
Add Open Corporates URL to Counterparty
Add image url to other bank account
Add physical location to other bank account
Add public alias to other bank account
Add url to other bank account
Create Other Account Private Alias
Delete Counterparty Corporate Location
Delete Counterparty Image URL
Delete Counterparty Open Corporates URL
Delete Counterparty Physical Location
Delete Counterparty Private Alias
Delete Counterparty Public Alias
Delete more info of other bank account
Delete url of other bank account
Get Other Account Metadata
Get Other Account Private Alias
Get public alias of other bank account
Update Counterparty Corporate Location
Update Counterparty Image Url
Update Counterparty More Info
Update Counterparty Physical Location
Update Counterparty Private Alias
Update Open Corporates Url of Counterparty
Update public alias of other bank account
Update url of other bank account
Add Corporate Location to Counterparty
Create Address
Create Customer
Create Customer Social Media Handle
Create Tax Residence
Create User Customer Link
Delete Customer Address
Delete Tax Residence
Get CRM Events
Get Customer Addresses
Get Customer Social Media Handles
Get Customer by CUSTOMER_ID
Get Customers for Current User
Get Customers for current User at Bank
Get Firehose Customers
Get Tax Residences of Customer
Update the Address of a Customer
Update the Branch of a Customer
Update the credit limit of a Customer
Update the credit rating and source of a Customer
Update the email of a Customer
Update the identity data of a Customer
Update the mobile number of a Customer
Update the number of a Customer
Update the other data of a Customer
Create Address
Customer Meeting
Customer Message
Data Warehouse
Get Bank Level Dynamic Resource Docs
Get Glossary of the API
Get Message Docs
Get Message Docs Swagger
Get Resource Docs
Get Resource Docs
Get Swagger documentation
Get Bank Level Dynamic Resource Docs
Dynamic Resource Doc
Example Title
Add KYC Check
Add KYC Document
Add KYC Media
Add KYC Status
Get Customer KYC Checks
Get Customer KYC Documents
Get Customer KYC statuses
Get KYC Media for a customer
Add KYC Check
Method Routing
Get Aggregate Metrics
Get Connector Metrics
Get Metrics
Get Top APIs
Get Top Consumers
Search API Metrics via Elasticsearch
Get Aggregate Metrics
Create Product
Create Product Attribute
Delete Product Attribute
Get Bank Product
Get Product Attribute
Get Product Tree
Get Products
Update Product Attribute
Create Product
Product Collection
Add Entitlement for a User
Create Entitlement Request for current User
Delete Entitlement
Delete Entitlement Request
Get Entitlement Requests for a User
Get Entitlement Requests for the current User
Get Entitlements for User
Get Entitlements for User at Bank
Get Entitlements for the current User
Get Roles
Get all Entitlement Requests
Get all Entitlements
Add Entitlement for a User
Swagger Call getBanks
Get Firehose Transactions for Account
Get Other Account of Transaction
Get Transaction by Id
Get Transactions for Account (Core)
Get Transactions for Account (Full)
Get Firehose Transactions for Account
Transaction Metadata
Add a Transaction Comment
Add a Transaction Image
Add a Transaction Narrative
Add a Transaction Tag
Add a Transaction where Tag
Delete a Transaction Comment
Delete a Transaction Image
Delete a Transaction Narrative
Delete a Transaction Tag
Delete a Transaction Tag
Get Transaction Comments
Get Transaction Images
Get Transaction Tags
Get a Transaction Narrative
Get a Transaction where Tag
Update a Transaction Narrative
Update a Transaction where Tag
Add a Transaction Comment
Transaction Request
Answer Transaction Request Challenge
Create Transaction Request (COUNTERPARTY)
Create Transaction Request (FREE_FORM)
Create Transaction Request (SANDBOX_TAN)
Create Transaction Request (SEPA)
Get Transaction Request Types at Bank
Get Transaction Request Types for Account
Get Transaction Requests
Save Historical Transactions
Answer Transaction Request Challenge
Answer Auth Context Update Challenge
Create User
Create User Auth Context
Create User Auth Context Update Request
Delete User Auth Context
Delete User's Auth Contexts
Get User (Current)
Get User Auth Contexts
Get User Lock Status
Get User by USERNAME
Get User by USER_ID
Get Users by Email Address
Get all Users
Refresh User
Unlock the user
Answer Auth Context Update Challenge
View Custom
Create Custom View
Delete Custom View
Get Account access for User
Get Views for Account
Get access
Grant User access to View
Grant User access to a list of views
Revoke access to all Views on Account
Revoke access to one View
Update Custom View
Create Custom View
View System
WebUi Props
_Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
Delete Credit Application Form by id
Get Credit Application Form List
Get Credit Application Form by id
Update Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
v3.1.0 (266 APIs)
Get Bank Level Dynamic Resource Docs
Get documentation about the RESTful resources on this server including example bodies for POST and PUT requests.
This is the native data format used to document OBP endpoints. Each endpoint has a Resource Doc (a Scala case class) defined in the source code.
This endpoint is used by OBP API Explorer to display and work with the API documentation.
Most (but not all) fields are also available in swagger format. (The Swagger endpoint is built from Resource Docs.)
API_VERSION is the version you want documentation about e.g. v3.0.0
You may filter this endpoint with tags parameter e.g. ?tags=Account,Bank
You may filter this endpoint with functions parameter e.g. ?functions=enableDisableConsumers,getConnectorMetrics
For possible function values, see implemented_by.function in the JSON returned by this endpoint or the OBP source code or the footer of the API Explorer which produces a comma separated list of functions that reflect the server or filtering by API Explorer based on tags etc.
You may filter this endpoint using the 'content' url parameter, e.g. ?content=dynamic
if set content=dynamic, only show dynamic endpoints, if content=static, only show the static endpoints. if omit this parameter, we will show all the endpoints.
You may need some other language resource docs, now we support en_GB and es_ES at the moment.
You can filter with api-collection-id, but api-collection-id can not be used with others together. If api-collection-id is used in URL, it will ignore all other parameters.
See the Resource Doc endpoint for more information.
Note: Dynamic Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Static Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Following are more examples:
- operation_id is concatenation of "v", version and function and should be unique (used for DOM element IDs etc. maybe used to link to source code)
- version references the version that the API call is defined in.
- function is the (scala) partial function that implements this endpoint. It is unique per version of the API.
- request_url is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the implemented version (the version where this endpoint was defined) e.g. /obp/v1.2.0/resource
- specified_url (recommended to use) is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the version specified in the call e.g. /obp/v3.1.0/resource. In OBP, endpoints are first made available at the request_url, but the same resource (function call) is often made available under later versions (specified_url). To access the latest version of all endpoints use the latest version available on your OBP instance e.g. /obp/v3.1.0 - To get the original version use the request_url. We recommend to use the specified_url since non semantic improvements are more likely to be applied to later implementations of the call.
- summary is a short description inline with the swagger terminology.
- description may contain html markup (generated from markdown on the server).
Authentication is Mandatory
URL Parameters:
BANK_ID: gh.29.uk
JSON response body fields:
connector_methods: connector_methods
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
description_markdown: description_markdown
error_response_bodies: OBP-50000: Unknown Error.,OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!,OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: ,OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
example_request_body: {"name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
function: function
implemented_by: implemented_by
is_featured: false
operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks
request_url: /my_user/MY_USER_ID
request_verb: POST
resource_docs: resource_docs
success_response_body: {"my_user_id": "some_id_value", "name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
tags: Create-My-User
typed_request_body: typed_request_body
typed_success_response_body: typed_success_response_body
created_by_bank_id: created_by_bank_id
roles: CanCreateMyUser
"summary":"Test Resource Doc",
"description":"<p>I am only a test Resource Doc</p>\n<p>Authentication is Mandatory</p>\n<p><strong>JSON response body fields:</strong></p>\n",
"description_markdown":"I am only a test Resource Doc\n\nAuthentication is Mandatory\n\n\n**JSON response body fields:**\n\n\n",
"error_response_bodies":["OBP-50000: Unknown Error.","OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!","OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: "],
- Please login to request this Role
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Get Glossary of the API
Get API Glossary
Returns the glossary of the API
Authentication is Optional
JSON response body fields:
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
html: html format content
title: Dr.
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get Message Docs
These message docs provide example messages sent by OBP to the (Kafka) message queue for processing by the Core Banking / Payment system Adapter - together with an example expected response and possible error codes.
Integrators can use these messages to build Adapters that provide core banking services to OBP.
Note: API Explorer provides a Message Docs page where these messages are displayed.
: kafka_vSept2018, stored_procedure_vDec2019 ...
Authentication is Optional
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
process: obp.getBank
requiredFieldInfo: false
"description":"get Banks",
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-30211: Invalid Connector. Please specify a valid value for CONNECTOR.
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get Message Docs Swagger
This endpoint provides example message docs in swagger format.
It is only relavent for REST Connectors.
This endpoint can be used by the developer building a REST Adapter that connects to the Core Banking System (CBS).
That is, the Adapter developer can use the Swagger surfaced here to build the REST APIs that the OBP REST connector will call to consume CBS services.
OBP API (Core OBP API code) -> OBP REST Connector (OBP REST Connector code) -> OBP REST Adapter (Adapter developer code) -> CBS (Main Frame)
Authentication is Optional
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
process: obp.getBank
requiredFieldInfo: false
"description":"get Banks",
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get Resource Docs
Get documentation about the RESTful resources on this server including example bodies for POST and PUT requests.
This is the native data format used to document OBP endpoints. Each endpoint has a Resource Doc (a Scala case class) defined in the source code.
This endpoint is used by OBP API Explorer to display and work with the API documentation.
Most (but not all) fields are also available in swagger format. (The Swagger endpoint is built from Resource Docs.)
API_VERSION is the version you want documentation about e.g. v3.0.0
You may filter this endpoint with tags parameter e.g. ?tags=Account,Bank
You may filter this endpoint with functions parameter e.g. ?functions=enableDisableConsumers,getConnectorMetrics
For possible function values, see implemented_by.function in the JSON returned by this endpoint or the OBP source code or the footer of the API Explorer which produces a comma separated list of functions that reflect the server or filtering by API Explorer based on tags etc.
You may filter this endpoint using the 'content' url parameter, e.g. ?content=dynamic
if set content=dynamic, only show dynamic endpoints, if content=static, only show the static endpoints. if omit this parameter, we will show all the endpoints.
You may need some other language resource docs, now we support en_GB and es_ES at the moment.
You can filter with api-collection-id, but api-collection-id can not be used with others together. If api-collection-id is used in URL, it will ignore all other parameters.
See the Resource Doc endpoint for more information.
Note: Dynamic Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Static Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Following are more examples:
- operation_id is concatenation of "v", version and function and should be unique (used for DOM element IDs etc. maybe used to link to source code)
- version references the version that the API call is defined in.
- function is the (scala) partial function that implements this endpoint. It is unique per version of the API.
- request_url is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the implemented version (the version where this endpoint was defined) e.g. /obp/v1.2.0/resource
- specified_url (recommended to use) is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the version specified in the call e.g. /obp/v3.1.0/resource. In OBP, endpoints are first made available at the request_url, but the same resource (function call) is often made available under later versions (specified_url). To access the latest version of all endpoints use the latest version available on your OBP instance e.g. /obp/v3.1.0 - To get the original version use the request_url. We recommend to use the specified_url since non semantic improvements are more likely to be applied to later implementations of the call.
- summary is a short description inline with the swagger terminology.
- description may contain html markup (generated from markdown on the server).
Authentication is Mandatory
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
connector_methods: connector_methods
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
description_markdown: description_markdown
error_response_bodies: OBP-50000: Unknown Error.,OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!,OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: ,OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
example_request_body: {"name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
function: function
implemented_by: implemented_by
is_featured: false
operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks
request_url: /my_user/MY_USER_ID
request_verb: POST
resource_docs: resource_docs
response_date: response_date
success_response_body: {"my_user_id": "some_id_value", "name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
tags: Create-My-User
typed_request_body: typed_request_body
typed_success_response_body: typed_success_response_body
created_by_bank_id: created_by_bank_id
roles: CanCreateMyUser
"summary":"Test Resource Doc",
"description":"<p>I am only a test Resource Doc</p>\n<p>Authentication is Mandatory</p>\n<p><strong>JSON response body fields:</strong></p>\n",
"description_markdown":"I am only a test Resource Doc\n\nAuthentication is Mandatory\n\n\n**JSON response body fields:**\n\n\n",
"error_response_bodies":["OBP-50000: Unknown Error.","OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!","OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: "],
- Please login to request this Role
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Get Resource Docs
Get documentation about the RESTful resources on this server including example bodies for POST and PUT requests.
This is the native data format used to document OBP endpoints. Each endpoint has a Resource Doc (a Scala case class) defined in the source code.
This endpoint is used by OBP API Explorer to display and work with the API documentation.
Most (but not all) fields are also available in swagger format. (The Swagger endpoint is built from Resource Docs.)
API_VERSION is the version you want documentation about e.g. v3.0.0
You may filter this endpoint with tags parameter e.g. ?tags=Account,Bank
You may filter this endpoint with functions parameter e.g. ?functions=enableDisableConsumers,getConnectorMetrics
For possible function values, see implemented_by.function in the JSON returned by this endpoint or the OBP source code or the footer of the API Explorer which produces a comma separated list of functions that reflect the server or filtering by API Explorer based on tags etc.
You may filter this endpoint using the 'content' url parameter, e.g. ?content=dynamic
if set content=dynamic, only show dynamic endpoints, if content=static, only show the static endpoints. if omit this parameter, we will show all the endpoints.
You may need some other language resource docs, now we support en_GB and es_ES at the moment.
You can filter with api-collection-id, but api-collection-id can not be used with others together. If api-collection-id is used in URL, it will ignore all other parameters.
See the Resource Doc endpoint for more information.
Note: Dynamic Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Static Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Following are more examples:
- operation_id is concatenation of "v", version and function and should be unique (used for DOM element IDs etc. maybe used to link to source code)
- version references the version that the API call is defined in.
- function is the (scala) partial function that implements this endpoint. It is unique per version of the API.
- request_url is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the implemented version (the version where this endpoint was defined) e.g. /obp/v1.2.0/resource
- specified_url (recommended to use) is empty for the root call, else the path. It contains the standard prefix (e.g. /obp) and the version specified in the call e.g. /obp/v3.1.0/resource. In OBP, endpoints are first made available at the request_url, but the same resource (function call) is often made available under later versions (specified_url). To access the latest version of all endpoints use the latest version available on your OBP instance e.g. /obp/v3.1.0 - To get the original version use the request_url. We recommend to use the specified_url since non semantic improvements are more likely to be applied to later implementations of the call.
- summary is a short description inline with the swagger terminology.
- description may contain html markup (generated from markdown on the server).
Authentication is Mandatory
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
connector_methods: connector_methods
description: This an optional field. Maximum length is 2000. It can be any characters here.
description_markdown: description_markdown
error_response_bodies: OBP-50000: Unknown Error.,OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!,OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: ,OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
example_request_body: {"name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
function: function
implemented_by: implemented_by
is_featured: false
operation_id: OBPv4.0.0-getBanks
request_url: /my_user/MY_USER_ID
request_verb: POST
resource_docs: resource_docs
success_response_body: {"my_user_id": "some_id_value", "name": "Jhon", "age": 12, "hobby": ["coding"],"optional_fields": ["hobby"]}
tags: Create-My-User
typed_request_body: typed_request_body
typed_success_response_body: typed_success_response_body
created_by_bank_id: created_by_bank_id
roles: CanCreateMyUser
"summary":"Test Resource Doc",
"description":"<p>I am only a test Resource Doc</p>\n<p>Authentication is Mandatory</p>\n<p><strong>JSON response body fields:</strong></p>\n",
"description_markdown":"I am only a test Resource Doc\n\nAuthentication is Mandatory\n\n\n**JSON response body fields:**\n\n\n",
"error_response_bodies":["OBP-50000: Unknown Error.","OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!","OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles: "],
- Please login to request this Role
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
Get Swagger documentation
Returns documentation about the RESTful resources on this server in Swagger format.
API_VERSION is the version you want documentation about e.g. v3.0.0
You may filter this endpoint using the 'tags' url parameter e.g. ?tags=Account,Bank
(All endpoints are given one or more tags which for used in grouping)
You may filter this endpoint using the 'functions' url parameter e.g. ?functions=getBanks,bankById
(Each endpoint is implemented in the OBP Scala code by a 'function')
See the Resource Doc endpoint for more information.
Note: Resource Docs are cached, TTL is 3600 seconds
Following are more examples:
Authentication is Optional
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.