API Explorer

v5.1.0 (545 APIs)

Anfitrión de la API: https://api.ttk.com.mk

Create MethodRouting

Create a MethodRouting.

Authentication is Mandatory

Explanation of Fields:

  • method_name is required String value, current supported value: [mapped | stored_procedure_vDec2019 | rest_vMar2019]
  • connector_name is required String value
  • is_bank_id_exact_match is required boolean value, if bank_id_pattern is exact bank_id value, this value is true; if bank_id_pattern is null or a regex, this value is false
  • bank_id_pattern is optional String value, it can be null, a exact bank_id or a regex
  • parameters is optional array of key value pairs. You can set some parameters for this method

note and CAVEAT!:

  • bank_id_pattern has to be empty for methods that do not take bank_id as a function parameter, otherwise might get empty result
  • methods that aggregate bank objects (e.g. getBankAccountsForUser) have to take any existing method routings for these objects into consideration
  • so if you create e.g. a bank specific method routing for getting an account, make sure that it is also served by endpoints getting ALL accounts for ALL banks
  • if bank_id_pattern is regex, special characters need to do escape, for example: bank_id_pattern = "some-id_pattern_\d+"

If the connector name starts with rest, parameters can contain "outBoundMapping" and "inBoundMapping", convert OutBound and InBound json structure.
for example:
outBoundMapping example, convert json from source to target:
Build OutBound json value rules:
1 set cId value with: outboundAdapterCallContext.correlationId value
2 set bankId value with: concat bankId.value value with string helloworld
3 set originalJson value with: whole source json, note: the field value expression is $root

inBoundMapping example, convert json from source to target:
Build InBound json value rules:
1 and 2 set inboundAdapterCallContext and status value: because field name ends with "$default", remove "$default" from field name, not change the value
3 set fullName value with: concat string full: with result.name value
4 set bankRoutingScheme value: because source value is Array, but target value is not Array, the mapping field name must ends with [0].

JSON request body fields:

key: CustomerNumber


value: 5987953

JSON response body fields:

key: CustomerNumber


value: 5987953

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "is_bank_id_exact_match":false, "method_name":"getBank", "connector_name":"rest_vMar2019", "method_routing_id":"this-method-routing-Id", "bank_id_pattern":"some_bankId_.*", "parameters":[{ "key":"url", "value":"http://mydomain.com/xxx" }] }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanCreateMethodRouting - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-10021: Incorrect Connector name.
  • OBP-10022: Incorrect Connector method name.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv3.1.0, function_name: by createMethodRouting, operation_id: OBPv3.1.0-createMethodRouting Tags: Method-Routing, API,

Delete MethodRouting

Delete a MethodRouting specified by METHOD_ROUTING_ID.

Authentication is Mandatory

URL Parameters:


JSON response body fields:

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

Roles Requeridos:
  • CanDeleteMethodRouting - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv3.1.0, function_name: by deleteMethodRouting, operation_id: OBPv3.1.0-deleteMethodRouting Tags: Method-Routing, API,

Get MethodRoutings

Get the all MethodRoutings.

Query url parameters:

  • method_name: filter with method_name
  • active: if active = true, it will show all the webui_ props. Even if they are set yet, we will return all the default webui_ props


Authentication is Mandatory

JSON response body fields:

key: CustomerNumber


value: 5987953

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "method_routings":[{ "is_bank_id_exact_match":false, "method_name":"getBanks", "connector_name":"rest_vMar2019", "method_routing_id":"method-routing-id", "bank_id_pattern":"some_bank_.*", "parameters":[{ "key":"url", "value":"http://mydomain.com/xxx" }] }] }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanGetMethodRoutings - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv3.1.0, function_name: by getMethodRoutings, operation_id: OBPv3.1.0-getMethodRoutings Tags: Method-Routing, API,

Update MethodRouting

Update a MethodRouting.

Authentication is Mandatory

Explaination of Fields:

  • method_name is required String value, current supported value: [mapped | stored_procedure_vDec2019 | rest_vMar2019]
  • connector_name is required String value
  • is_bank_id_exact_match is required boolean value, if bank_id_pattern is exact bank_id value, this value is true; if bank_id_pattern is null or a regex, this value is false
  • bank_id_pattern is optional String value, it can be null, a exact bank_id or a regex
  • parameters is optional array of key value pairs. You can set some paremeters for this method
  • if bank_id_pattern is regex, special characters need to do escape, for example: bank_id_pattern = "some-id_pattern_\d+"

If connector name start with rest, parameters can contain "outBoundMapping" and "inBoundMapping", to convert OutBound and InBound json structure.
for example:
outBoundMapping example, convert json from source to target:
Build OutBound json value rules:
1 set cId value with: outboundAdapterCallContext.correlationId value
2 set bankId value with: concat bankId.value value with string helloworld
3 set originalJson value with: whole source json, note: the field value expression is $root

inBoundMapping example, convert json from source to target:
Build InBound json value rules:
1 and 2 set inboundAdapterCallContext and status value: because field name ends with "$default", remove "$default" from field name, not change the value
3 set fullName value with: concat string full: with result.name value
4 set bankRoutingScheme value: because source value is Array, but target value is not Array, the mapping field name must ends with [0].

URL Parameters:


JSON response body fields:

key: CustomerNumber


value: 5987953

Respuesta Exitosa Típica:

{ "is_bank_id_exact_match":true, "method_name":"getBank", "connector_name":"rest_vMar2019", "method_routing_id":"this-method-routing-Id", "bank_id_pattern":"some_bankId", "parameters":[{ "key":"url", "value":"http://mydomain.com/xxx" }] }
Roles Requeridos:
  • CanUpdateMethodRouting - Please login to request this Role
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Posibles Errores:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-20006: User is missing one or more roles:
  • OBP-10001: Incorrect json format.
  • OBP-10021: Incorrect Connector name.
  • OBP-10022: Incorrect Connector method name.
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Métodos de conector::
Version: OBPv3.1.0, function_name: by updateMethodRouting, operation_id: OBPv3.1.0-updateMethodRouting Tags: Method-Routing, API,