Account Access Consents
Create Account Access Consents
Get Account Access Consents by ConsentId
Update Account Access Consent Status by ConsentId
Create Account Access Consents
Direct Debits
Domestic Future Dated Payment Consents
Create Domestic Future Dated Payment Cancellation Consents
Create Domestic Future Dated Payment Consents
Get Domestic Future Dated Payment Cancellation Consents by ConsentId
Get Domestic Future Dated Payment Consents by ConsentId
Create Domestic Future Dated Payment Cancellation Consents
Domestic Future Dated Payments
Create Domestic Future Dated Payments
Get Domestic Future Dated Payment Details by DomesticFutureDatedPaymentId
Get Domestic Future Dated Payments by DomesticFutureDatedPaymentId
Patch Domestic Future Dated Payments by DomesticFutureDatedPaymentId
Create Domestic Future Dated Payments
Domestic Payments
Create Domestic Payments
Get Domestic Payment details by DomesticPaymentId
Get Domestic Payments by DomesticPaymentId
Create Domestic Payments
Domestic Payments Consents
Create Domestic Payment Consents
Get Domestic Payment Consents Funds Confirmation by ConsentId
Get Domestic Payment Consents by ConsentId
Create Domestic Payment Consents
Dynamic Resource Doc
Event Notification
Example Title
File Payment Consents
Create File Payment Consents
Create File Payment Consents File by ConsentId
Get File Payment Consents File by ConsentId
Get File Payment Consents by ConsentId
Create File Payment Consents
File Payments
Create File Payments
Get File Payment Details by FilePaymentId
Get File Payments Report File by FilePaymentId
Get File Payments by FilePaymentId
Create File Payments
Future Dated Payments
International Payment Consents
Create International Payment Consents
Get International Payment Consents Funds Confirmation by ConsentId
Get International Payment Consents by ConsentId
Create International Payment Consents
International Payments
Create International Payments
Get International Payment Details by InternationalPaymentId
Get International Payments by InternationalPaymentId
Create International Payments
Standing Orders
Get Accounts Statement Tranactions by AccountId and StatementId
Get Accounts Statement by AccountId and StatementId
Get Accounts Statements File by AccountId and StatementId
Get Accounts Statements by AccountId
Get Statements
Get Accounts Statement Tranactions by AccountId and StatementId
Supplementary Account Info
Swagger Call getBanks
_Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
Delete Credit Application Form by id
Get Credit Application Form List
Get Credit Application Form by id
Update Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0 (74 APIs)
API Host: https://api.ttk.com.mk
Create Account Access Consents
NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.
Authentication is Mandatory
JSON request body fields:
JSON response body fields:
Typical Successful Response:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0,
function_name: by accountAccessConsentsPost, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountAccessConsentsPost
Tags: Account Access Consents, Mocked-Data,
Get Account Access Consents by ConsentId
NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.
Authentication is Mandatory
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
Typical Successful Response:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0,
function_name: by accountAccessConsentsConsentIdGet, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountAccessConsentsConsentIdGet
Tags: Account Access Consents, Mocked-Data,
Update Account Access Consent Status by ConsentId
NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.
Authentication is Mandatory
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
Typical Successful Response:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0,
function_name: by accountAccessConsentsConsentIdPatch, operation_id: BAHRAIN-OBFv1.0.0-accountAccessConsentsConsentIdPatch
Tags: Account Access Consents, Mocked-Data,