AUv1.0.0 (38 APIs)


Get Account Balance

Obtain the balance for a single specified account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "accountId":"accountId", "purses":[{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" },{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" }], "amortisedLimit":"amortisedLimit", "currentBalance":"currentBalance", "creditLimit":"creditLimit", "currency":"currency", "availableBalance":"availableBalance" }, "meta":" ", "links":{ "self":"self" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listBalance, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listBalance Tags: Banking, Accounts,

Get Account Detail

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain detailed information on a single account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":"", "meta":" ", "links":{ "self":"self" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by getAccountDetail, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-getAccountDetail Tags: Banking, Accounts, Mocked-Data,

Get Accounts

Obtain a list of accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "accounts":[{ "accountId":"accountId", "maskedNumber":"maskedNumber", "openStatus":"OPEN", "displayName":"displayName", "isOwned":true, "nickname":"nickname", "creationDate":"creationDate", "productName":"productName", "productCategory":{ } },{ "accountId":"accountId", "maskedNumber":"maskedNumber", "openStatus":"OPEN", "displayName":"displayName", "isOwned":true, "nickname":"nickname", "creationDate":"creationDate", "productName":"productName", "productCategory":{ } }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listAccounts, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listAccounts Tags: Banking, Accounts,

Get Balances For Specific Accounts

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain balances for a specified list of accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON request body fields:

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "balances":[{ "accountId":"accountId", "purses":[{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" },{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" }], "amortisedLimit":"amortisedLimit", "currentBalance":"currentBalance", "creditLimit":"creditLimit", "currency":"currency", "availableBalance":"availableBalance" },{ "accountId":"accountId", "purses":[{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" },{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" }], "amortisedLimit":"amortisedLimit", "currentBalance":"currentBalance", "creditLimit":"creditLimit", "currency":"currency", "availableBalance":"availableBalance" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listBalancesSpecificAccounts, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listBalancesSpecificAccounts Tags: Banking, Accounts, Mocked-Data,

Get Bulk Balances

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain balances for multiple, filtered accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "balances":[{ "accountId":"accountId", "purses":[{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" },{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" }], "amortisedLimit":"amortisedLimit", "currentBalance":"currentBalance", "creditLimit":"creditLimit", "currency":"currency", "availableBalance":"availableBalance" },{ "accountId":"accountId", "purses":[{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" },{ "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency" }], "amortisedLimit":"amortisedLimit", "currentBalance":"currentBalance", "creditLimit":"creditLimit", "currency":"currency", "availableBalance":"availableBalance" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listBalancesBulk, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listBalancesBulk Tags: Banking, Accounts, Mocked-Data,

Get Bulk Direct Debits

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain direct debit authorisations for multiple, filtered accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "directDebitAuthorisations":[{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } },{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listDirectDebitsBulk, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listDirectDebitsBulk Tags: Banking, Direct Debits, Mocked-Data,

Get Direct Debits For Account

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain direct debit authorisations for a specific account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "directDebitAuthorisations":[{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } },{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listDirectDebits, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listDirectDebits Tags: Banking, Direct Debits, Mocked-Data,

Get Direct Debits For Specific Accounts

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain direct debit authorisations for a specified list of accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON request body fields:

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "directDebitAuthorisations":[{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } },{ "lastDebitAmount":"lastDebitAmount", "accountId":"accountId", "lastDebitDateTime":"lastDebitDateTime", "authorisedEntity":{ "arbn":"arbn", "description":"description", "financialInstitution":"financialInstitution", "abn":"abn", "acn":"acn" } }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listDirectDebitsSpecificAccounts, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listDirectDebitsSpecificAccounts Tags: Banking, Direct Debits, Mocked-Data,

Get Payee Detail

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain detailed information on a single payee

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:


JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":"", "meta":" ", "links":{ "self":"self" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by getPayeeDetail, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-getPayeeDetail Tags: Banking, Payees, Mocked-Data,

Get Payees

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain a list of pre-registered payees

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "payees":[{ "nickname":"nickname", "description":"description", "payeeId":"payeeId", "type":"DOMESTIC", "creationDate":"creationDate" },{ "nickname":"nickname", "description":"description", "payeeId":"payeeId", "type":"DOMESTIC", "creationDate":"creationDate" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listPayees, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listPayees Tags: Banking, Payees, Mocked-Data,

Get Product Detail

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain detailed information on a single product offered openly to the market

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:


JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":"", "meta":" ", "links":{ "self":"self" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by getProductDetail, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-getProductDetail Tags: Banking, Products, Mocked-Data,

Get Products

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain a list of products that are currently openly offered to the market

Note that the results returned by this end point are expected to be ordered according to updated-since


In the product reference payloads there are a number of recurring conventions that are explained here, in one place.

Arrays Of Features

In the product detail payload there are a number of arrays articulating generic features, constraints, prices, etc. The intent of these arrays is as follows:

  • Each element in an array has the same structure so that clients can reliably interpret the payloads

  • Each element as a type element that is an enumeration of the specific aspect of a product being described, such as types of fees.

  • Each element has a field name [additionalValue](#productfeaturetypedoc). This is a generic field with contents that will vary based on the type of object being described. The contents of this field for the ADDITIONAL_CARDS feature is the number of cards allowed while the contents of this field for the MAX_LIMIT constraint would be the maximum credit limit allowed for the product.

  • An element in these arrays of the same type may appear more than once. For instance, a product may offer two separate loyalty programs that the customer can select from. A fixed term mortgage may have different rates for different term lengths.

  • An element in these arrays may contain an additionalInfo and additionalInfoUri field. The additionalInfo field is used to provide displayable text clarifying the purpose of the element in some way when the product is presented to a customer. The additionalInfoUri provides a link to externally hosted information specifically relevant to that feature of the product.

  • Depending on the type of data being represented there may be additional specific fields.

URIs To More Information

As the complexities and nuances of a financial product can not easily be fully expressed in a data structure without a high degree of complexity it is necessary to provide additional reference information that a potential customer can access so that they are fully informed of the features and implications of the product. The payloads for product reference therefore contain numerous fields that are provided to allow the product holder to describe the product more fully using a web page hosted on their online channels.

These URIs do not need to all link to different pages. If desired, they can all link to a single hosted page and use difference HTML anchors to focus on a specific topic such as eligibility or fees.

Linkage To Accounts

From the moment that a customer applies for a product and an account is created the account and the product that spawned it will diverge. Rates and features of the product may change and a discount may be negotiated for the account.

For this reason, while productCategory is a common field between accounts and products, there is no specific ID that can be used to link an account to a product within the regime.

Similarly, many of the fields and objects in the product payload will appear in the account detail payload but the structures and semantics are not identical as one refers to a product that can potentially be originated and one refers to an account that actual has been instantiated and created along with the associated decisions inherent in that process.


It is expected that data consumers needing this data will call relatively frequently to ensure the data they have is representative of the current offering from a bank. To minimise the volume and frequency of these calls the ability to set a lastUpdated field with the date and time of the last update to this product is included. A call for a list of products can then be filtered to only return products that have been updated since the last time that data was obtained using the updated-since query parameter.

In addition, the concept of effective date and time has also been included. This allows for a product to be marked for obsolescence, or introduction, from a certain time without the need for an update to show that a product has been changed. The inclusion of these dates also removes the need to represent deleted products in the payload. Products that are no long offered can be marked not effective for a few weeks before they are then removed from the product set as an option entirely.

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "products":[{ "effectiveTo":"effectiveTo", "lastUpdated":"lastUpdated", "additionalInformation":{ "eligibilityUri":"eligibilityUri", "bundleUri":"bundleUri", "feesAndPricingUri":"feesAndPricingUri", "termsUri":"termsUri", "overviewUri":"overviewUri" }, "brandName":"brandName", "isTailored":true, "productId":"productId", "name":"name", "description":"description", "applicationUri":"applicationUri", "effectiveFrom":"effectiveFrom", "brand":"brand", "productCategory":{ } },{ "effectiveTo":"effectiveTo", "lastUpdated":"lastUpdated", "additionalInformation":{ "eligibilityUri":"eligibilityUri", "bundleUri":"bundleUri", "feesAndPricingUri":"feesAndPricingUri", "termsUri":"termsUri", "overviewUri":"overviewUri" }, "brandName":"brandName", "isTailored":true, "productId":"productId", "name":"name", "description":"description", "applicationUri":"applicationUri", "effectiveFrom":"effectiveFrom", "brand":"brand", "productCategory":{ } }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listProducts, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listProducts Tags: Banking, Products, Mocked-Data,

Get Scheduled Payments Bulk

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain scheduled payments for multiple, filtered accounts that are the source of funds for the payments

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "scheduledPayments":[{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" },{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listScheduledPaymentsBulk, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listScheduledPaymentsBulk Tags: Banking, Scheduled Payments, Mocked-Data,

Get Scheduled Payments For Specific Accounts

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain scheduled payments for a specified list of accounts

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

JSON request body fields:

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "scheduledPayments":[{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" },{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listScheduledPaymentsSpecificAccounts, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listScheduledPaymentsSpecificAccounts Tags: Banking, Scheduled Payments, Mocked-Data,

Get Scheduled Payments for Account

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain scheduled, outgoing payments for a specific account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "scheduledPayments":[{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" },{ "recurrence":{ "nextPaymentDate":"nextPaymentDate", "eventBased":{ "description":"description" }, "onceOff":{ "paymentDate":"paymentDate" }, "recurrenceUType":"onceOff", "intervalSchedule":{ "intervals":[{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" },{ "interval":"interval", "dayInInterval":"dayInInterval" }], "paymentsRemaining":0, "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "nonBusinessDayTreatment":"ON" }, "lastWeekDay":{ "paymentsRemaining":6, "interval":"interval", "finalPaymentDate":"finalPaymentDate", "lastWeekDay":1 } }, "scheduledPaymentId":"scheduledPaymentId", "payeeReference":"payeeReference", "payerReference":"payerReference", "nickname":"nickname", "from":{ "accountId":"accountId" }, "paymentSet":[{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } },{ "isAmountCalculated":true, "amount":"amount", "currency":"currency", "to":{ "domestic":{ "payeeAccountUType":"account", "payId":{ "identifier":"identifier", "name":"name", "type":"EMAIL" }, "account":{ "bsb":"bsb", "accountName":"accountName", "accountNumber":"accountNumber" }, "card":{ "cardNumber":"cardNumber" } }, "accountId":"accountId", "biller":{ "billerName":"billerName", "crn":"crn", "billerCode":"billerCode" }, "toUType":"accountId", "payeeId":"payeeId", "international":{ "bankDetails":{ "country":"country", "routingNumber":"routingNumber", "fedWireNumber":"fedWireNumber", "chipNumber":"chipNumber", "legalEntityIdentifier":"legalEntityIdentifier", "accountNumber":"accountNumber", "bankAddress":{ "address":"address", "name":"name" }, "sortCode":"sortCode", "beneficiaryBankBIC":"beneficiaryBankBIC" }, "beneficiaryDetails":{ "country":"country", "name":"name", "message":"message" } } } }], "status":"ACTIVE" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by listScheduledPayments, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-listScheduledPayments Tags: Banking, Scheduled Payments, Mocked-Data,

Get Transaction Detail

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain detailed information on a transaction for a specific account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

TRANSACTION_ID: 2fg8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de8ub

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":"", "meta":" ", "links":{ "self":"self" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by getTransactionDetail, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-getTransactionDetail Tags: Banking, Accounts, Mocked-Data,

Get Transactions For Account

NOTE: This endpoint currently only returns example data.

        Obtain transactions for a specific account.

Some general notes that apply to all end points that retrieve transactions:

  • Where multiple transactions are returned, transactions should be ordered according to effective date in descending order

  • As the date and time for a transaction can alter depending on status and transaction type two separate date/times are included in the payload. There are still some scenarios where neither of these time stamps is available. For the purpose of filtering and ordering it is expected that the data holder will use the "effective" date/time which will be defined as:

  • Posted date/time if available, then

  • Execution date/time if available, then

  • A reasonable date/time nominated by the data holder using internal data structures

  • For transaction amounts it should be assumed that a negative value indicates a reduction of the available balance on the account while a positive value indicates an increase in the available balance on the account

User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.

URL Parameters:

ACCOUNT_ID: 8ca8a7e4-6d02-40e3-a129-0b2bf89de9f0

JSON response body fields:

Typical Successful Response:

{ "data":{ "transactions":[{ "postingDateTime":"postingDateTime", "amount":"amount", "apcaNumber":"apcaNumber", "isDetailAvailable":true, "description":"description", "type":"FEE", "billerName":"billerName", "executionDateTime":"executionDateTime", "transactionId":"transactionId", "merchantName":"merchantName", "billerCode":"billerCode", "reference":"reference", "accountId":"accountId", "merchantCategoryCode":"merchantCategoryCode", "valueDateTime":"valueDateTime", "currency":"currency", "crn":"crn", "status":"PENDING" },{ "postingDateTime":"postingDateTime", "amount":"amount", "apcaNumber":"apcaNumber", "isDetailAvailable":true, "description":"description", "type":"FEE", "billerName":"billerName", "executionDateTime":"executionDateTime", "transactionId":"transactionId", "merchantName":"merchantName", "billerCode":"billerCode", "reference":"reference", "accountId":"accountId", "merchantCategoryCode":"merchantCategoryCode", "valueDateTime":"valueDateTime", "currency":"currency", "crn":"crn", "status":"PENDING" }] }, "meta":{ "totalRecords":0, "totalPages":6 }, "links":{ "next":"next", "last":"last", "prev":"prev", "self":"self", "first":"first" } }
  • Required JSON Validation: No
  • Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
Possible Errors:
  • OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
  • OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Connector Methods:
Version: AUv1.0.0, function_name: by getTransactions, operation_id: AUv1.0.0-getTransactions Tags: Banking, Accounts, Mocked-Data,