Account Information Service (AIS)
- Consent status request
- Create consent
- Delete Consent
- Get Consent Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
- Get Consent Request
- Read Account Details
- Read Account List
- Read Balance
- Read Transaction Details
- Read card account balances
- Read the SCA status of the consent authorisation
- Read transaction list of a card account
- Read transaction list of an account
- Reads a list of card accounts
- Reads details about a card account
- Start the authorisation process for a consent(selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Start the authorisation process for a consent(transactionAuthorisation)
- Start the authorisation process for a consent(updatePsuAuthentication)
- Update PSU Data for consents (authorisationConfirmation)
- Update PSU Data for consents (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Update PSU Data for consents (transactionAuthorisation)
- Update PSU Data for consents (updatePsuAuthentication)
Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
- Get Cancellation Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
- Get Payment Information
- Get Payment Initiation Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
- Payment Cancellation Request
- Payment initiation request(bulk-payments)
- Payment initiation request(payments)
- Payment initiation request(periodic-payments)
- Payment initiation status request
- Read the SCA Status of the payment authorisation
- Read the SCA status of the payment cancellation's authorisation
- Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (transactionAuthorisation)
- Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (updatePsuAuthentication)
- Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (transactionAuthorisation)
- Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (updatePsuAuthentication)
- Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (authorisationConfirmation)
- Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (transactionAuthorisation)
- Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (updatePsuAuthentication)
- Update PSU data for payment initiation (authorisationConfirmation)
- Update PSU data for payment initiation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
- Update PSU data for payment initiation (transactionAuthorisation)
- Update PSU data for payment initiation (updatePsuAuthentication)
Signing Baskets
- Create a signing basket resource
- Delete the signing basket
- Get Signing Basket Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
- Read the SCA status of the signing basket authorisation
- Read the status of the signing basket
- Returns the content of an signing basket object
- Start the authorisation process for a signing basket
- Update PSU Data for signing basket
Account Information Service (AIS)
Consent status request
Create consent
Delete Consent
Get Consent Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Get Consent Request
Read Account Details
Read Account List
Read Balance
Read Transaction Details
Read card account balances
Read the SCA status of the consent authorisation
Read transaction list of a card account
Read transaction list of an account
Reads a list of card accounts
Reads details about a card account
Start the authorisation process for a consent(selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Start the authorisation process for a consent(transactionAuthorisation)
Start the authorisation process for a consent(updatePsuAuthentication)
Update PSU Data for consents (authorisationConfirmation)
Update PSU Data for consents (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Update PSU Data for consents (transactionAuthorisation)
Update PSU Data for consents (updatePsuAuthentication)
Consent status request
Confirmation of Funds Service (PIIS)
Dynamic Resource Doc
Example Title
Payment Initiation Service (PIS)
Get Cancellation Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Get Payment Information
Get Payment Initiation Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Payment Cancellation Request
Payment initiation request(bulk-payments)
Payment initiation request(payments)
Payment initiation request(periodic-payments)
Payment initiation status request
Read the SCA Status of the payment authorisation
Read the SCA status of the payment cancellation's authorisation
Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (transactionAuthorisation)
Start the authorisation process for a payment initiation (updatePsuAuthentication)
Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (transactionAuthorisation)
Start the authorisation process for the cancellation of the addressed payment (updatePsuAuthentication)
Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (authorisationConfirmation)
Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (transactionAuthorisation)
Update PSU Data for payment initiation cancellation (updatePsuAuthentication)
Update PSU data for payment initiation (authorisationConfirmation)
Update PSU data for payment initiation (selectPsuAuthenticationMethod)
Update PSU data for payment initiation (transactionAuthorisation)
Update PSU data for payment initiation (updatePsuAuthentication)
Get Cancellation Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Signing Baskets
Create a signing basket resource
Delete the signing basket
Get Signing Basket Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Read the SCA status of the signing basket authorisation
Read the status of the signing basket
Returns the content of an signing basket object
Start the authorisation process for a signing basket
Update PSU Data for signing basket
Create a signing basket resource
Swagger Call getBanks
_Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
Delete Credit Application Form by id
Get Credit Application Form List
Get Credit Application Form by id
Update Credit Application Form
Create new Credit Application Form
v1.3 (72 APIs)
Create a signing basket resource
Create a signing basket resource for authorising several transactions with one SCA method.
The resource identifications of these transactions are contained in the payload of this access method
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
JSON request body fields:
consentIds: consentIds
paymentIds: paymentIds
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Delete the signing basket
Delete the signing basket structure as long as no (partial) authorisation has yet been applied.
The undlerying transactions are not affected by this deletion.
Remark: The signing basket as such is not deletable after a first (partial) authorisation has been applied.
Nevertheless, single transactions might be cancelled on an individual basis on the XS2A interface.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Get Signing Basket Authorisation Sub-Resources Request
Read a list of all authorisation subresources IDs which have been created.
This function returns an array of hyperlinks to all generated authorisation sub-resources.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Read the SCA status of the signing basket authorisation
This method returns the SCA status of a signing basket's authorisation sub-resource.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Read the status of the signing basket
Returns the status of a signing basket object.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Returns the content of an signing basket object
Returns the content of an signing basket object.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Start the authorisation process for a signing basket
Create an authorisation sub-resource and start the authorisation process of a signing basket.
The message might in addition transmit authentication and authorisation related data.
This method is iterated n times for a n times SCA authorisation in a
corporate context, each creating an own authorisation sub-endpoint for
the corresponding PSU authorising the signing-baskets.
The ASPSP might make the usage of this access method unnecessary in case
of only one SCA process needed, since the related authorisation resource
might be automatically created by the ASPSP after the submission of the
payment data with the first POST signing basket call.
The start authorisation process is a process which is needed for creating a new authorisation
or cancellation sub-resource.
This applies in the following scenarios:
- The ASPSP has indicated with an 'startAuthorisation' hyperlink in the preceeding Payment
Initiation Response that an explicit start of the authorisation process is needed by the TPP.
The 'startAuthorisation' hyperlink can transport more information about data which needs to be
uploaded by using the extended forms.- 'startAuthorisationWithPsuIdentfication',
- 'startAuthorisationWithPsuAuthentication' #TODO
- 'startAuthorisationWithAuthentciationMethodSelection'
- The related payment initiation cannot yet be executed since a multilevel SCA is mandated.
- The ASPSP has indicated with an 'startAuthorisation' hyperlink in the preceeding
Payment Cancellation Response that an explicit start of the authorisation process is needed by the TPP.
The 'startAuthorisation' hyperlink can transport more information about data which needs to be uploaded
by using the extended forms as indicated above. - The related payment cancellation request cannot be applied yet since a multilevel SCA is mandate for
executing the cancellation. - The signing basket needs to be authorised yet.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON request body fields:
JSON response body fields:
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.
Update PSU Data for signing basket
This method update PSU data on the signing basket resource if needed.
It may authorise a igning basket within the Embedded SCA Approach where needed.
Independently from the SCA Approach it supports e.g. the selection of
the authentication method and a non-SCA PSU authentication.
This methods updates PSU data on the cancellation authorisation resource if needed.
There are several possible Update PSU Data requests in the context of a consent request if needed,
which depends on the SCA approach:
- Redirect SCA Approach:
A specific Update PSU Data Request is applicable for- the selection of authentication methods, before choosing the actual SCA approach.
- Decoupled SCA Approach:
A specific Update PSU Data Request is only applicable for - adding the PSU Identification, if not provided yet in the Payment Initiation Request or the Account Information Consent Request, or if no OAuth2 access token is used, or
- the selection of authentication methods.
- Embedded SCA Approach:
The Update PSU Data Request might be used - to add credentials as a first factor authentication data of the PSU and
- to select the authentication method and
- transaction authorisation.
The SCA Approach might depend on the chosen SCA method.
For that reason, the following possible Update PSU Data request can apply to all SCA approaches:
- Select an SCA method in case of several SCA methods are available for the customer.
There are the following request types on this access path:
* Update PSU Identification
* Update PSU Authentication
* Select PSU Autorization Method
WARNING: This method need a reduced header,
therefore many optional elements are not present.
Maybe in a later version the access path will change.
* Transaction Authorisation
WARNING: This method need a reduced header,
therefore many optional elements are not present.
Maybe in a later version the access path will change.
User Authentication is Required. The User must be logged in. The Application must also be authenticated.
URL Parameters:
JSON response body fields:
"psuMessage":"Please check your SMS at a mobile device.",
- Required JSON Validation: No
- Allowed Authentication Types: Not set
- OBP-20001: User not logged in. Authentication is required!
- OBP-50000: Unknown Error.